Why You Procrastinate – The Real Reason

The Real Reason behind Procrastination—the notorious habit that plagues us all at some point.

We’ve all experienced that nagging feeling of delaying tasks we should be tackling head-on.

But have you ever wondered why? Is it really just laziness or poor time management?

Today, we’re embarking on a journey to uncover the hidden truth behind procrastination and explore the reasons behind this common behaviour.

Check the video version.

1: The Impact of Procrastination

Procrastination affects people of all ages and walks of life, with consequences ranging from missed deadlines to decreased performance and even potential health issues.

It’s a habit we can’t seem to shake off easily.

Take, for instance, the story I stumbled upon on Reddit about a student who resorted to using text-to-speech to complete the last page of a 12-page final essay while rushing to class. Sounds unbelievable, right?

But here’s the catch—procrastination runs deeper than laziness or poor time management.

Let’s dive into the root cause.

2: Procrastination as a Protection Mechanism

Believe it or not, procrastination actually serves as a protective mechanism.

Allow me to explain. Deep within your brain lies a tiny powerhouse called the amygdala, responsible for fight, flight, or freeze responses.

When faced with activities that trigger fear of failure, rejection, or looking foolish, your amygdala goes into overdrive.

And that’s when procrastination kicks in—it’s your brain’s way of shielding you from potential harm.

So, rather than being a mere result of laziness, procrastination is closely tied to anxiety.

3: The Anxiety Connection

“But I don’t have anxiety,” you may object. Well, let’s reconsider.

Anxiety doesn’t always manifest as a clinical condition. It can take subtle forms.

Imagine the scenario of applying for a job.

You may find yourself thinking, “I need a new job, but what if I get rejected or make a fool of myself during the interview? What if I’m not qualified, and they discover it?”

These thoughts are your subconscious mind trying to protect you from potential negative outcomes. Thus, not applying or succumbing to procrastination isn’t simply a matter of laziness—it’s anxiety at play.

4: The Power of Excitement

Now, let’s shift gears and explore an intriguing aspect of procrastination.

Anxiety and excitement are two sides of the same coin; they lie on the same emotional spectrum.

When you feel procrastination creeping up and your amygdala activating, it’s an emotion you’re experiencing.

The question is, what’s the opposite of anxiety? It’s excitement!

By reframing your perspective and tapping into the excitement of what could go right, you can overcome procrastination.

Instead of dwelling on the potential pitfalls, focus on the possibilities and how taking action can benefit you and others.

5: Embracing Quantity over Perfectionism

Let’s dispel the notion that procrastination solely affects lazy individuals.

In fact, many high-achievers struggle with this habit. Often, it stems from perfectionism and caring too much.

Perfectionism can be a subtle way of avoiding taking action.

The key to overcoming procrastination and perfectionism lies in releasing control and embracing quantity over quality.

Grant yourself permission to produce a large volume of work, even if it’s not perfect.

Remember, quantity often paves the way for quality—just look at the photography class experiment or the writer who committed to two “crappy” pages a day.

6: Find Your Excitement and Start Now

To summarize, when you catch yourself slipping into procrastination, shift your focus from anxiety to excitement.

Remind yourself of the possibilities that lie ahead and how taking action can lead to positive outcomes. Embrace the idea of producing a quantity of work, allowing room for growth and improvement.

Remember, the real reason behind procrastination is not mere laziness—it’s often a protective response rooted in anxiety.

So, find your excitement, conquer your tasks, and start now. The path to productivity and to your wonder version awaits!

Check the video version.